About Teri
Welcome to life as I experience it! I share my experiences healing from childhood neglect, abusive relationships, and trauma, through blog posts, podcast episodes, and the wonderful therapies of photography and travel.
As an eclectic personality, I love exploring different mediums of expression. I believe that creativity, and recovery, can be found in everything we do, and I’m always looking for new ways to share my unique perspectives with my audience. Whether it’s revealing my individual experiences or my visual work, I seek ways to weave creative webs of content that are personal, meaningful, and inspiring.
More importantly, I want to share the hope and optimism I’ve gained through enduring the hardest of times. In a world where depression and anxiety are growing, and PTSD, and Complex PTSD are finally being recognized, we all need a safe place to go and be heard and understood. Or perhaps read, listen, and realize we are not alone.
Teri C Anderson has had the opportunity to collaborate with various brands and fellow bloggers. These collaborations have allowed her to expand her creativity and share her content with new audiences.